Actually, its more than just Nike. Its most shoe companies. Trust me. I've tried. I hate shoe shopping. I've been freaking everywhere in KW! Just about everything's made in China!
However, here are some ways to get around the exploitation:
New Balance
These can be found at:
24 Forwell Creek Rd.
N2J 3Z3
(Near Chapters and Canadian Tire)
Actually, I just found this website: http://www.greenamerica.org/programs/sweatshops/sneakers.cfm
which graded shoe companies. New Balance got a C, which is better than an F, but still not wonderful.
From what I have seen, this company tends to produce their running shoes in North America. So far I've only ever seen one pair "Made in China." Check the tag.
Half the girls at my university wear TOMS. This is a wonderful bandwagon to jump on!
You know, ones that are actually made by natives. I found my pair in a store selling various handmade products by natives when I was in Montreal. You probably won't find authentic moccasins in the mall. I haven't anyway. If anyone finds an authentic pair in the area, let me know!
Second hand shoes
If you only buy the shoes I listed above, your style will be significantly limited. Especially in the areas of boots and dress shoes. BUT second hand shoes offer a vast array of options! Whatever you buy probably will have been made in a sweat shop, but at least you're not supporting the company directly when you buy it second hand.
One draw back about second hand shoes is that they tend to not be as good for your feet since they were broken in by someone else's feet. They also tend to look a little beat up, but you might luck out and find a nice pair. Its touch and go.
If you ever see my feet at weddings, chances are I'm wearing an old or borrowed pair of dress shoes or fancy-ish flip flops. Admittedly, I don't have the most fashion forward feet out there, but at least there are SOME options. I've also looked into attempting to make my own shoes but it looked too complicated. Once I needed gold shoes so I spray painted a pair I already had with gold paint. It worked fairly well but eventually all the paint flecked off.
I kind of hate shoe shopping with a thorough passion. This area of alternatives to exploitation could SERIOUSLY use some creative world changing individuals with a knack for fashion. Any takers?
My feet would be eternally grateful!