It seems odd to me that we boycott various artists or movies for endorsing vulgarity or sexual immorality but we support companies who do not care about human equality. What's worse?
As a consumer, your voice matters! Money talks.
Educate yourself:
How YOU can help:
Buy clothes from countries where you know workers have rights! This is surprisingly challenging. Just about everything is made in China. That includes all the clothes I have ever seen in "Canadian" stores like The Bay, Zellers and Roots.
Where to go:
I've searched high and low for clothes made in Canada or the United States. I would settle for England, Germany, France, Denmark... Regardless, finding clothes made anywhere but China or Bangladesh is next to impossible. Nevertheless, I have had some luck at a few places (but you should still check tags at Le Chateau and New Balance):
American Apparel
Uptown Waterloo
Le Chateau
Conestoga Mall
New Balance
Conestoga Mall
Unforunately, there isn't much justice in clothes made for middle class North Americans. However, this problem is redeemable! I have found that the easiest way to help redeem this problem is by renewing my wardrobe with second-hand clothes. Why and how to do this will be the topics of Part III, a post on Thift stores, and Part IV, a post on Clothing Swaps.
Ain't No Reason - Brett Dennen